Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Animal experiments - this debate could go on forever. From my perspective they cannot be justified in any way.
At scientific development increases at rapid speeds, DNA, sample tissue, organs and tests on humans is the only way.
There are endless cases where drugs deemed safe on primates have killed homo sapien.
In the UK animal exploitation is a big business. Many large companies have high-profile MPs who sign the contracts off and make big money themselves.
AIDS drugs were tested on orang-utans (an endagerged species by the way) without success. Human testing has worked giving those with AIDS a longer life expectancy.
A recebt sarcastically given award went to Cambridge University. They fed pregnant rats...wait for it.....blancmange, sweets and chocolate. They then discovered the young of these rats had a craving for high sugar content and were drawn to the very same foods.
Rats aren't usually seen making a blancmange or scanning the confectionary at ASDA. After these ground-breaking results all the rats, young included were killed.
Recently deceased Anita Roddick, founder of Body Shop, sold produce none of which had been tested on animals.
many companies are now following suit. Boots, Rimmell and Space NK in particular must be commended.
Huntingdon Science Labs in Cambridgeshire continue to exploit animals in the name of science.
All the evidence for this to stop is there but this a capitalist world where money talks. Those with a voice are making money, those with a squeak or a bark continue to die without reason.

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